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Watch part 1: Look to the Leader
Watch part 1: Look to the Leader
Watch part 2: Another Jesus?
Watch part 2: Another Jesus?
Watch part 3: False Prophets
Watch part 3: False Prophets
Watch part 4: Salvation
Watch part 4: Salvation
Watch part 5: Strange Doctrines
Watch part 5: Strange Doctrines
Watch part 6: View of the Bible
Watch part 6: View of the Bible
Watch part 7: Conclusion
Watch part 7: Conclusion

Information for ordering Christian Counterfeiters Video:

Christian Counterfeiters

Since the earliest days of the Christian Faith there have been deceivers, presenting different gospels, with a different Jesus, calling themselves "Christian". In the past, most Churches recognized the error and labeled them as "cult" groups to be avoided. These cults were obvious to all, and outside of the Church.

In recent years, an even more serious danger has come upon the Church. Heretical teachings are being presented within the Church from pulpits, books, and "Christian" TV. Now, instead of being identified and avoided, they are being embraced!

This fast paced two hour video exposes the old dangers and the new ones, using the Bible's warnings. There are six, clear Scriptural markers for the counterfeiters of Christianity. We have been forewarned!

Don't miss this exciting and informative video. The MacGregors have spent a quarter century studying such groups and present this message in a clear and unmistakeable manner. Excellent for Bible classes, Church, and home study groups. (This 2 hour video is laid out in several sections to fit the time-frame constraints of study groups) To order this video, go to our video page here.


V I D E O f r o m . . .

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Dilemma Over Demons

Can a Christian have a demon?

click here for more information




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