Partner with MM Outreach

The goals of MM Outreach Inc are:
1. to equip and motivate Christians to reach the lost who are trapped in the cults
2. to help believers who have been deceived by aberrant doctrines and who are unaware of the spiritual danger that entices many away from the pure and simple gospel of Jesus. 
3. to fulfill the Great Commision by helping seekers find the pure and simple gospel of Jesus Christ, while exposing the spiritual danger of false doctrine that entices many people away from the pure and simple gospel.

MM Outreach Inc is a Canadian corporation operated as a ministry serving the body of Christ. Donations help us to finance this important work. Donations are not tax receiptable.

Please prayerfully consider partnering with us by supporting MM Outreach Inc. Click on the donate button to help this work with your financial donation. You can also send a donation to the address below.

Donate from the USA or outside North America click the button below:

Donate to MM Outreach Inc.

Donate from Canada by clicking the button below:

Donate to MM Outreach Inc

Or write us at:

MM Outreach Inc
PO Box 294
Nelson, BC V1L 5P9

Copyright © 2019 MM Outreach Inc